I thought we might celebrate 100 years of football by looking back at a 1905 game. The Jays vs. the Hawks from Hazelwood Central.

Amazingly the Cheerleading outfits look much the same today.

You can see why they said the home team wore the dark jerseys as it was hard to tell colors in the photographs.

The boys mixed it up much the same.

There were still loyal Jay fans. You may notice that some of the fans today resemble some of their ancestors pictured.

School kids were still school kids.

Reserved seating hasn't changed and neither has protecting yourself from the sun.

The field looked much the same as well.

The coaches paced the sidelines. Some kid named Nike that played the Jays so long ago would later pick up on the idea of painting little swooshes on the side of shoes. Who would have thought.

The Hazelwood Central Hawks brought a lot of kids to the game.

I wonder if he can dunk a basketball.

Turning down field.

Looking for some yardage.



The scoreboard shows the years the Jays anticipate being State Champs. It also shows the score at the start of the second period for the Jays-Hawks game. I imagine that many were impressed by such a futuristic scoreboard and play clock.

The same techniques are still used for marking the ball today.

Some good blocking left a huge hole.

Go, go, go.

Looking to pass..


holding that line.

This was the first year that Pete started coaching and it was determined if they named the stadium after him maybe he would stick around. ;-)

I am sure his coach mentioned that you don't tip the ball up in the air in such a situation.

To far past the outstretched fingertips to get a handle on it.





Luckily the aim wasn't quite good enough as the Jays made the interception.

Score at half.

Half time.

Don't let go.

Some of the styles back then were hilarious.

Headed back for the second half.

Sun's going down.

WILL football look any different in another 100 years?

One might have thought they would have used Roman Numerals on the uniforms back then.

Many generations have played Jays football.

Takin it in. Again.

Another touchdown, to bad it was for the other team.

Still Home of the Jays.

Do some situps.

How many situps do you think he can do?

Headed for the endzone.

Goin for the block.

This would also end up being the final.

Looking on.

A bit of contact.

The Jays only touchdown would be called back.

How far can you limbo?

A final effort to get in.

Game over.

Fumbles appeared to play a part in the Jays outcome back then too.

I imagine the kids were hoping for a more colorful finish to the game.

Okay kids, now everyone go directly to the bus.

The kids of that era were no different when it came to following directions as the kids of today.

Whose mom is it? Let's see, how many guesses should you get.

Dude, watch out, that bus is going to hit you in the head.

The walk to the bus.

The stands are empty. The game is over. Go back to the future.
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