Wednesday, October 19, 2005

JC travels to Columbia to take on Oakland Junior

Our Freshmen Jays travel to Columbia tomorrow night to take on Oakland Junior High at 6pm at Hickman.

Note from Grace:

The Freshman football game tomorrow will be held at the Hickman High School field. Coach Padgett plans to give the players directions and a map, so keep a lookout for it. But the basic directions are: Go north on Hwy 63 to I70 interchange and go west on I-70. Take Providence exit from I-70 and go south on Providence about one and a half blocks. Hickman High School will be on the left after driving through a 4-way light on Providence and Business 70. Field is located behind school.

GO JAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grace Allen
Freshman Representative
Jay Football Booster Club
Home: 636-7286
Work: 634-7004
Cell Phone: 230-8495

Directions per Google Maps

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