Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Football Banquet

Freshman Football Parents:

I have received some final information about the upcoming football banquet. It will be held on December 4, 2005 in the school cafeteria beginning at 5pm and may last a couple hours. The ticket for the players will be provided by the Football Booster Club, but any parents, family or friends who would also like to attend need to purchase their tickets from me in advance at the cost of $15 @ person. The menu will be fried chicken, roast beef, mashed potatoes with gravy, corn, cinnamon roll, dinner roll, etc. I will need ticket money and a head count by November 18th AT THE LATEST. Please let me know whether or not your son will be attending, and how many tickets you wish to purchase. I will be able to get your tickets to you before the banquet once I receive your payment. If you prefer to mail a check to me for your tickets, please mail them to 1805 Green Berry Rd., J.C., MO. 65101. Hope to see many of you there!!

GO JAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grace Allen

Freshman Representative
Jay Football Booster Club
Home: 636-7286
Work: 634-7004
Cell Phone: 230-8495

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