Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Football Booster Meeting Reminder

Note from Grace:

Mark your calendars for May 9th for the next monthly Jay Football Booster Meeting to be held at 7pm at the Stadium Locker Room!

Also I want to extend a big thank you to the parents that helped last night with the spaghetti dinner! Things like this cannot be accomplished without your help.

Those of you, who have not had a chance during football season concession stand duties or other fundraisers, can help next week after the meeting to stuff envelopes for the season ticket holders. Anyone that can stay a few minutes after the meeting to help would be appreciated!

See you then!!!

GO JAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grace Allen
Sophomore Representative
Jay Football Booster Club
Home: 636-7286
Work: 634-7004
Cell Phone: 230-8495

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