Thursday, September 07, 2006

Note from Grace - Bus Trips

To All Sophomore Parents:

There are still some seats available on the buses on 9/15/06 to Parkway South and 9/22/06 to Rockhurst. The Booster Club does not make money on providing bus transportation, but likes to offer this alternative as a convenience to anyone interested. We need to fill the bus to break even on the financial obligation. Please let me know as soon as possible if you would like to reserve a seat on either of the above trips.

The Booster Club had to cancel the bus for the Saturday trip on 10/7/06 because of the cancellation deadline looming since we did not have enough signed up for the trip. I would guess a Saturday afternoon game was a major reason parents and family have decided other travel plans.

The bus to Ft. Zumwalt West on 10/27/06 still has seats available too. Please do not wait to the last minute to reserve your seats!! Thanks!

GO JAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Grace Allen
Sophomore Representative
Jay Football Booster Club
Home: 636-7286
Work: 634-7004
Cell Phone: 230-8495

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